National Funds

Waikato Biodiversity Forum - National Funds

The Waikato Biodiversity Forum coordinator is available to assist groups to apply for funding. 

Funding Grants List

Varies – see website


The Auckland Zoo Conservation Fund Small Grants Programme exists to help provide relatively small levels of funding for ongoing projects or pilot programmes with clear conservation value.

Amount available

Up to a $5000. However, in most cases, successful grants will be in the region of $2000 – $4000

Funding Rounds

Two funding rounds per year. Please check the website for latest opening and closing dates.


The Freshwater Improvement Fund supports projects that help communities manage fresh water within environmental limits. The Government has committed $100 million over 10 years to the Freshwater Improvement Fund.

Amount available

Funding Rounds

There is no current funding round for the Freshwater Improvement Fund. To be notified of the next funding round email with ‘Subscribe for updates on funding rounds’ in the subject line.


Trees That Count is New Zealand’s community marketplace to connect tree funders and planters.

Amount available


Funding Rounds

Annual funding round – closes September, exact date varies


The Community Care Fund assists communities affected by Transpower overhead assets by investing in community-based projects that add real value and benefit to the wider community. The Fund makes one-off grants for projects in communities along the National Grid route, as well as communities affected by new Transpower projects.

Amount available

From $5,000 – $50,000

Funding Rounds

  • DeadlinesWinter funding round – closes 11:59pm on 30 April | Summer funding round  closes 11:59pm on 31 October 


ANZ staff in New Zealand support organisations and projects that make a difference in their communities.

Amount available

$25,000 maximum by each charity per funding round.

Funding Rounds

The ANZ New Zealand Staff Foundation normally has two funding rounds per year. These are ordinarily open for applications between:

  • 1 January – 5pm on 15 February, or on the next business day if 15 February falls on a weekend or public holiday
  • 1 July – 5pm on 15 August, or on the next business day if 15 August falls on a weekend or public holiday


Supports community projects that focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving fresh water management, improving coastal management, or improving air quality.

Amount available

From $10,000 – $300,000

Funding Rounds

There are no funding rounds planned in the foreseeable future. Was Bi-annually


The Community and Volunteering Capability Fund provides grants to not-for-profit organisations for services and projects that improve leadership and strengthen the capability and capacity of New Zealand’s diverse community and voluntary sector

Amount available


Funding Rounds



The fund is directed at practical, on-the-ground projects. These projects will maintain and restore the diversity of our natural heritage.

Amount available

No limit – should reflect reasonable costs for project implementation.

Funding Rounds

One funding round per year. Apply for a max of three years funding if project is multi-year. Check website for latest details.


The New Zealand Walking Access Commission administers a contestable fund to support projects aimed at enhancing access to New Zealand’s great outdoors.

Check website for further details.

Amount available

A maximum of $25,000 per project.

Funding Rounds

All year round


Provides grants to community-based organisations which need funding for projects and initiatives designed to benefit as many people as possible.

Amount available

Up to $10,000

Funding Rounds



Funds are provided to support the purchase of subsidised trapping equipment for communities involved in backyard trapping.

Amount available

From $1,000 – $5,000

Funding Rounds

  • Applications open on 10 February and close on 9 March.
  • Another 2025 funding round will take place in July.


All community-based kiwi conservation groups, universities and recognised research facilities can apply. Must be registered charity and or designated group.

Amount available


Funding Rounds

Annually (March). Check webite for latest details and dates


Funds are available for any charitable, philanthropic or cultural purpose that benefits the local community.

Amount available

No limit

Funding Rounds

Open all year


Provides support to organisations undertaking major community-based capital expenditure projects.

Amount available

$3 Million or more

Funding Rounds

Annually – The Board will decide in late June 2025 if the LSPF will open again for the 2025/26 financial year. This decision will be posted here in July 2025.

Check website for latest info.



Grants to foster the conservation, preservation and promotion of New Zealand’s natural, physical and cultural heritage.

Amount available

$250,000 + but can also request less than this.

Funding Rounds

Open all year


A contestable fund supporting hapū/iwi initiatives to retain and promote traditional Māori knowledge and its use in biodiversity management.

Amount available


Funding Rounds

From 1 March, they will be accepting applications to the fund year-round. check website for latest details.


Foundation Aims include (but are not limited to) assistance towards the maintenance and improvement of the natural environment.

Amount available


Funding Rounds

Three rounds a year (31 March, 30 June and 30 September).


Supports local projects in areas where there are Meridian wind farms and hydro stations. The Te Uku Waikato Community Fund provides grants for projects in Raglan, Te Mata, Waitetuna and Te Uku that support sustainable community development.

Amount available


Funding Rounds


The next funding round will be open February 2025.

Check website for current date.


Fund organisations that employ a youth development approach which supports the wellbeing of young people (aged 12 to 24 years) in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Amount available

From $2,000-$7,000

Funding Rounds

Annually. See website for latest details.


Supports the protection of indigenous ecosystems on Māori-owned land while honouring the rights guaranteed to landowners under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Amount available


Funding Rounds

Check website for updates



Provides financial incentives to encourage the conservation of nationally significant heritage places in private ownership.

Amount available

No limit

Funding Rounds

For information on when the next funding round will open, subscribe to our mailing list. Email with the subject ‘subscribe’.


Distributes funding for the development and enhancement of habitat for the benefit of game birds and other wildlife.

Amount available

Up to $5,000

Funding Rounds

Closes 30 June each year


Only available to QEII covenant holders. To encourage and promote the provision, protection and enhancement of open space for the benefit and enjoyment of the people of New Zealand. 

Amount available

Contact directly. The Stephenson Fund provides grants of $2,000 – $20,000 for pest & weed control, revegetation, fencing.

Funding Rounds

Open all year
R D & E A Greenwood Environmental Trust


To assist preservation and protection of the natural environment of New Zealand. Contact:
Warwick Greenwood, the Managing Trustee,
at PO Box 10-359,

Amount available

Up to $300,000

Funding Rounds



Grants to projects and activities in the children & youth, cultural, sports & outdoors, educational and environmental areas with a focus on access, participation and inspiration.

Amount available

Up to $5,000

Funding Rounds

Annually, close on 31 Dec

See website for latest details


To help maintain the viability of rural communities and contribute to the improvement of their economic base and protection of environmental values.

Amount available

Up to $1,500

Funding Rounds

Applications close 30th April.



Teaches children about the importance of caring for the environment through the development of outdoor classrooms.

Amount available


Funding Rounds

Check website for updates



The Techsoup programme is designed to be a simple way for charitable organisations in New Zealand to access the technology they need to do their important work.

Amount available

Discounts, tech information and access to donated tech products.

Funding Rounds

Open all year


Distributes grants to groups and individuals in the South Pacific for a range of development and conservation projects.

Amount available

From $2,000 – $50,000

Funding Rounds

Two rounds a year, February and August


Provides funding for a wide range of clubs, charities and community groups, in fields as diverse as sport, arts, culture, health and education.

Amount available

A total fund per year of $11 million is distributed

Funding Rounds

11 rounds a year


Supports communities and organisations who are in need of support.

Amount available

From $500 – $15,000

Funding Rounds

Funding round opens for one month in August/September


Bike track related projects.

Amount available


Funding Rounds

Three times a year – Date varies

See website for latest details.


This fund is for local community conservation groups based and working in New Zealand, and engaged in hands-on ecological restoration or conservation. 

Amount available

A maximum of NZ$15,000. Projects can be funded for up to three consecutive years, but new applications will need to be made for each successive year. 


Funding Rounds


Supports schools, environmental educators and communities who, as part of their learning, are taking hands-on action to address an environmental issue.

Amount available

A maximum of NZ$15,000. Projects can be funded for up to three consecutive years, but new applications will need to be made for each successive year. 


Funding Rounds

Varies –  see website

Join the Forum

Any individual, community group or organisation interested and committed to protecting and restoring biodiversity can be a member of the Forum. It is free to join. You will get an invite to Forum events and receive information on biodiversity workshops, useful biodiversity information, access to other members for sharing knowledge and ideas and help with restoration projects. So contact us and become a member for no cost.