Waikato Members
Waikato Biodiversity Forum Members
The membership of the Forum is diverse.
Membership of the Forum includes representation from the following community groups, trusts, management agencies, Iwi trust boards and research organisations:
Waikato Members

Waikato Regional Council
Waikato Regional Council is a local government body. We work with communities, iwi and industry to sustainably manage our natural resources, enabling a strong economy and a high quality of life for all.

Hamilton City Council
Working together with organisations, companies and individuals, we believe we can fulfil Hamilton’s potential.

Go Eco
We provide community education, collaborate with and support environmental groups and projects, provide inspiration for living lighter and advocates on behalf of the environment. We are home to a depot for recycling electronic devices, batteries, light bulbs, toner cartridges, and we run Kaivolution Food Rescue.

Whāingaroa Environment Centre (WEC)
Whāingaroa Environment Centre (WEC) was started in 1997 by a group of locals concerned about erosion and other environmental problems in, and around Whāingaroa (Raglan) Harbour. Our mission is to be an information, resource and action hub, supporting environmental education and sustainability.

Enviroschools is a nationwide programme supported by Toimata Foundation, founding partner Te Mauri Tau, and a large network of regional partners. Early childhood centres and schools commit to a long-term sustainability journey, where tamariki/students connect with and explore the environment, then plan, design and take action in their local places in collaboration with their communities.

Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust
Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari is a world class conservation project which aims to continue the species re-introductions and breeding programmes to create bio-diversity in a sound ecological environment.

Project Manu Te Kuiti
Project Manu group is based in Te Kuiti and has been working in the Mangaokewa Scenic Reserve (200 hectares) since 1995. Project Manu aims to protect and improve the biodiversity of the reserve.

Thames Coast Kiwi Care
The Thames Coast group was formed in 2006 with assistance from the Thames Coast Protection Society, and now operates as an independent incorporated society, with a membership of more than 130, a coterie of 35 volunteer trappers, and a steering committee which meets monthly.

REAP Centre -Taupo
Central Plateau REAP is one of 13 in New Zealand and began operating in 1980. REAP is a not-for-profit lifelong learning NGO (Non-Government Organisation) that delivers a variety of educational and family support programmes that redress the disadvantages experienced by rural dwellers in accessing the range and depth of activities and services enjoyed by their urban counterparts.

Tairua Environmental Society
Tairua Environment Society(TES) is a local environmental group of ‘do-ers’ who feel good about protecting and enhancing the natural splendour of our place. We welcome anyone willing to roll their sleeves up and join us in positive community action.

Whaingaroa Harbourcare
Since 1995, we’ve grown and planted 1.2 million native trees along streams and harbour edges within the Whaingaroa catchment, Raglan, New Zealand. We aim to stop sediment runoff from land and improve water quality. We’ve also undertaken restoration planting alongside the Kaniwhaniwha Stream on Mt Pirongia and around several Waikato lakes; Lake Ohinewai, Lake Serpentine and Lake D.

Tui 2000
This Hamilton City community project is the first in NZ that aims to reconstruct and restore 60 hectares of native ecosystems from scratch.

Tane’e Tree Trust
Tāne’s Tree Trust’s vision is to see the majority of New Zealand landowners successfully planting and sustainably managing indigenous trees for multiple uses.

Tongariro Trout Centre Society
Tongariro National Trout Centre Society, in partnership with the DoC, aims to: enlighten and inform children and educate all visitors about trout, the Taupo fishery and New Zealand freshwater ecology.

Tongariro Natural History Society
Enhancing the values of Tongariro National Park remains the fundamental priority for Project Tongariro. Opportunities can be limited by the lack of resident communities inside the National Park and we recognise the potential to use our capability to act as an initiator or a collaborator to promote conservation opportunities in nearby communities.

Harkers Reserve
The Harker Reserve and track are looked after by a group of local volunteers, with funding and support from the Waikato Regional and District Councils, and the Queen Elizabeth II Trust. If you would like to help contact Ross Galbreath at onewhero@ps.gen.nz or phone 09 232 8113.

Waahi Whanui Trust
We specialise in Alcohol and Other Drug counselling. Waahi Whanui also provide a wide variety of Social, Education, Health Business and Environmental Services in the Waikato area.

Whenuakite Kiwi Care
The Whenuakite Kiwi Care Group is one of the projects working to protect Coromandel brown kiwi and kiwi habitat on Coromandel Peninsula.

Cambridge Tree Trust
The Cambridge Tree Trust is a volunteer non-profit organisation dedicated to beautifying Cambridge.

Friends of the Kauaeranga
Re-vegetate the entrance of the Kauaeranga Valley with native trees. The actives include Weed control and planting involving Landowners.

Waikato River Care
Waikato RiverCare’s primary focus is on preparing, planting and maintaining areas of native plant habitat on the banks of the lower Waikato River and associated catchments, and sourcing funds and support to carry out this work. Co-ordinating community involvement in these projects is an important part of Waikato River Care’s focus.

Advisory Committee for Regional Environment (ACRE)
The Advisory Committee for the Waikato Regional Environment (or ACRE) was originally formed in 1989. Its members represent or have associations with many environmental and conservation groups regionally and nationally.

Te Kauri Lodge
Just an hour’s drive from Hamilton and 20 minutes to the picturesque coastal settlement of Kawhia,it’s an affordable venue for schools, other groups and events. The lodge, built in 1961, is owned by the Hamilton Junior Naturalist Club.

Pukawa Wildlife Managmement Group
The PWMT was set up to improve the birdlife in and around the Pukawa settlement on the southern shores of Lake Taupo. By controlling the animal pests such as rats, possums and mustelids known to be living in the forest and reserves surrounding Pukawa, it was hoped the birdlife would have a better chance of surviving and successfully breeding.

Piako Catchment Forum
Piako Catchment Forum is a community led group focused on the restoration of the Piako Catchment and its local community. We believe in open communication, networking and education which uphold the mana/integrity of our natural environment and community.

Upper Piako Wildlife Management Association
To enhance the wetland as a habitat for birdlife, Weed control, animal pest control and planting.

Friends of Wainui Reserve
Friends of Wainui Bush Park is 10ha (part of the larger Wainui Reserve) planted and tended by Friends of Wainui since 1993. Work mornings are from 9am on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, starting at the carpark – 3.68km along Wainui Rd on the right

Pirongia te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration Society Inc
Our goal is to see kokako and other key native species re-introduced to Mt Pirongia, and we’re getting the community on board to help us make it happen. We focus our efforts on controlling pests and reintroducing native species on the mountain. This work is achieved by working with our local community and landowners around the mountain.

Moehau Environment Group
Moehau Environment Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the natural environment of the Northern Coromandel Peninsula.

Waikato Raupatu Trust Board
At Waikato-Tainui the Taiao is an important aspect of our work. Guided by the koorero of our tuupuna to speak for those that can’t speak for themselves. Like our tuupuna before us, we take seriously our responsibilities as kaitiaki of our environment.

Raukawa Maori Trust Board
Pūtake Taiao is the responsible body for advocacy, influence, and leadership of environmental matters for the Raukawa Charitable Trust. Pūtake Taiao is tasked with representing the best interests of Raukawa in the management of natural resources.

Maniapoto Maori Trust Board
The team supports mana whenua in their kaitiaki roles and responsibilities. The main focus is on all environmental matters and the implementation of the co-governance and co-management arrangements over the Upper Waipa River established in the Ngā Wai o Maniapoto (Waipa River) Act 2012 and the 2012 Co-Management Deed.

University of Waikato, Centre for Biodiversity and Ecological Research
The Environmental Research Institute (ERI) takes a collaborative, systems-level approach to environmental research to develop insights and expertise related to improving and sustaining the quality of New Zealanders’ natural and physical environment.

Waikato River Trails
The Waikato River Trails opened officially in November 2011 and are managed by the Waikato River Trails Charitable Trust. The Trust was formed in 2006 to develop a network of trails along the Waikato with the aim of bringing visitors to the beautiful South Waikato.

Department of Conservation NZ
The Waikato Catchment Ecological Enhancement Trust was established to foster and enhance the sustainable management of ecological resources in the Lake Taupo and Waikato River catchments.

Riverlea Environment Society
The Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated (RESI) is a not-for-profit group run by volunteers. Our objectives are to protect and enhance the environmental and other amenity values of our local area.

Puniu River Care
Pūniu River Care Inc. (PRC) is an incorporated society and New Zealand registered charity. The kaupapa (purpose) of the society is to enable local hapū to be involved in improving the water quality and replenishing taonga within the Pūniu River Catchment.

Forest Flora
Forest Flora has been established to guide and support restoration of natural areas in the Waikato. We have an enthusiastic team experienced in all aspects of restoring the plant life of forests and wetlands. Our nursery is dedicated to producing quality ecosourced plants of all the native species which give the Waikato Landscape its unique character.
Join the Forum
Any individual, community group or organisation interested and committed to protecting and restoring biodiversity can be a member of the Forum. It is free to join. You will get an invite to Forum events and receive information on biodiversity workshops, useful biodiversity information, access to other members for sharing knowledge and ideas and help with restoration projects. So contact us and become a member for no cost.